This workout is all about working your abs and core from different angles to get an all round approach to core function and strength. You need a resistance band for this workout, preferably a quite light resistance circle band, and an elevated surface (just a chair, sofa or similar). To get the most out of this workout, focus on two things:
1. your use of the breath, exhaling on exertion - so breathing out as you pull / press the band
2. your alignment - keep a nice neutral position whether standing, lying or prone, this is more optimal for your core function
There are just 5 exercises in this workout and we do about 15-20 reps of each:
Diagonal pulls
Standing side pull (approx 15 each side)
Pull aparts
Plank with rotate and pull
Lying leg extensions with band resist
Here is a follow along video where you can do the workout with me: