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Target fat loss - through bespoke exercise and nutrition plans

Are you fed up of feeling fat  or not fitting in any of your clothes? Or are you worried about how your weight is affecting your health?  If you really want to make a change to your body and overall health, and are willing to make changes to your lifestyle in order to do it, then this is for you! This is not a "quick fix" - you will learn how and to make changes work for you and that YOU can sustain.


My programmes are designed to help you:

  • Develop YOUR understanding of nutrition, so you understand what and how you need to eat and drink to lose weight and keep it off

  • Establish a routine with exercise that fits within your life, that you enjoy and helps to lose fat and improve your body shape

  • Equip you with the tools and knowledge to maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle for your future without the need for any fads or gimmicks


I will provide education, support and accountability to help you make the changes that you want.  


How will it work?

  • We will start by assessing where you're at and where you want to get to.  As part of this, you'll complete a screening questionnaire where I ask you about your health, lifestyle and personal objectives.  This information is essential in developing  the right programme for you - I want to help you in the best way.

  • We will agree our starting plan, including when our face to face sessions will be, what we will do in those sessions and what your programme would look like.

  • We will take a close look at your diet. If fat loss is your objective then you absolutely have to pay more attention to what you eat and drink. Don't worry, you can still have a life, and enjoy food - the process is not to make you miserable!

  • Our face to face sessions in the gym will last an hour and combine both exercise and education -  it's important that you know how best to help yourself when I'm not with you.  

  • Between the sessions I will give you clear and bespoke instructions for exercise and diet. You can also contact me between sessions if you have any questions or want a bit of advice or extra accountability - I'm here to support you on your journey!


What results can I expect?

In short, a healthier, fitter and leaner you! We will routinely measure your progress, with body measurements and photos - together we can decide what measures are best for you. Plus you will experience other progress measures too... compliments from friends, colleagues and family, and you noticing how you feel - clothes fitting better or needing to buy new ones.... Basically the all the things I can't necessarily measure but you can see, hear and feel the difference.  Your new knowledge and understanding help you to manage your weight in your day to day life, and develop habits and lifestyle changes that stick.


How much does it cost?


2 package options:

  • 10 sessions: £470

  • 15 sessions: £675


Individual monthly subscriptions (minimum 3 months):

  • 4 sessions per month: £185

  • 8 sessions per month: £350

  • 12 sessions per month: £490


Payments are made in advance of sessions.

A minimum of 24 hours is required to cancel or change a session.


How do I start?

Please get in touch to get started!  I look forward to hearing from you.



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