Post-natal programmes
I was surprised how much pregnancy, birth and 'mum life' really changed my body - not just the weight gain and body shape changes but also my strength and how I felt within my core. Movements I could do before having my baby were suddenly so much harder! And when you are a mum, you just have to get on with these tasks - all the constant lifting of small children, bags, buggies, car seats, squatting to wipe noses and get down to their level, getting up off the floor carrying a wriggling baby, kneeling to change nappies or clean up the lovingly prepared weaning meals that ended up all over the floor! So this is why I've developed my personal training packages for post-natal mums - I want you to be able to do all these movements with ease and return to exercise, in a way that looks after your core AND helps to improve how you look and feel within your body.
Many 'get your body back post-baby' programmes omit the deeper and essential core work, and how to integrate it within the movements that you do ALL day. My programmes aren't just about the now, and how quickly you can get back in to your jeans.. yes I can and will help you with those jeans, but also in a way that much better sets you up for life.
To me, it doesn't matter if you had your baby three months ago or three years ago. Yes, healing and recovery can happen itself over time, but most women need to re-learn and correct how they engage and use their core, and how they stand and move. And I don't know about you, but I know I'm never going to be the same again after my two children - so once post-natal, always post-natal!
Find out more about Zoe's postnatal programmes...
There are three options available for you:
Phase 1: recover, restore and establish your essential fitness foundations
Phase 2: build fitness and stamina, and shape body
Complete package: phase 1 and 2 combined
Phase 1 - recover, restore and establish your essential fitness foundations (6 sessions)
What we cover:
Pelvic floor & core - how to reconnect, get the components working properly together, and to appropriately strengthen.
How to breathe - sounds silly, but how you breathe is essential for core function - so is something we absolutely have to get right!
Postural alignment - how pregnancy and mum life has altered this and the impact on how you look, move and feel, with subsequent releases and mobilisations to help regain your ideal.
Nutrition advice for recovery, healing and mental well-being.
Assessment, releases and strategies to support the management and recovery of diastasis recti (ab separation).
Integrated core exercises - how you engage and work your core within movements that you do all day and every day, and build your strength for life as a mum.
What's included:
6 face to face hour long sessions - usually on a weekly basis.
Bespoke homework to complete between sessions, designed to move you forward. Your homework will be realistic so you can fit it in with your life, your time available and your energy levels.
A review of your diet - including nutrition advice and guidance to support your recovery and well-being.
What's the investment for you?
The cost of phase 1 is £295
Plus your commitment to attend the sessions and also do to your homework!
Phase 2 - building fitness, stamina, and change your body shape (6 sessions)
What we cover:
Building upon your foundations established in phase 1, we will take you further forward on your fitness journey.
Exercise to shape your body, that is safe and appropriate for you, and really works!
Nutrition advice and guidance to compliment your exercise regime in terms of body shape, but also your well-being.
Exercise that develops your fitness and stamina for life - you are going to feel fitter, stronger and doing all the lifting, carrying, crawling, squatting you do as a mum and will become so much easier! You will surprise yourself with what you are able to do!
What's included:
6 face to face sessions - usually on a weekly basis.
Bespoke homework to complete between sessions, designed to move you forward between sessions. Your homework will be realistic so you can fit it in with your life, your time available and your energy levels.
Regular progress checks - we will agree our plan together , in terms of what we will measure and when, whether its using photos, body measurements or fitness tests.
A review of your diet - including nutrition advice and guidance to support your objectives.
What's the investment for you?
The cost of phase 2 is £295
Plus your commitment to attend the sessions and also do to your homework!
Complete package (phase 1&2 combined, 12 sessions)
If you would like to commit to both phase 1 and 2, then the complete package is for you. Focus on helping your body to recover and restore, and then build fitness, stamina, strength, and change your body shape.
What's the investment for you?
The cost of the complete post-natal package is £540 (save £50 on purchasing phase 1 & 2 separately)
How will it work?
For all three options I will see you for the hour long sessions in the private gym (usually once a week), where will we combine education and exercise. Between the sessions I will give you clear and bespoke plans for you to do at home. The exercises and homework that I will give you will be designed to fit within your life - I know it is difficult to make a lot of time when you have small children and a busy family life!
What results will I expect?
Everyone changes at a different rate, and your progress depends on your starting point, and how much you put in to your personal programme. Like no person is the same, I don't programme for everyone in the same way - you are all different and your fitness journey will be different. But I will say, and my clients can testify that, you will complete your programme feeling and looking better, fitter and stronger! To help us measure your progress, we can also decide together what we will use to track your progress, such as photos and body measurements - we can agree what is best for you when we start.
What does it cost?
Phase 1: £295
Phase 2: £295
Complete package: £540
How soon after delivering my baby can I start this programme?
As a minimum, wait until your 6-8 week post-natal check up, or probably longer if you had a C-section as we want this to have healed (approx. 12 weeks). Please contact me to discuss an appropriate time for you to start. I also recommend that you see a Women's Health Physiotherapist for a Mummy MOT. I work closely with our local WHPs so am happy to recommend some great professionals for you to see.
Can I bring my baby?
Many mums rarely get time 'for you', so it would be great for you to come to our sessions alone. But I do understand that childcare can be an issue, so I'm very happy for you to bring your little one. Many babies have enjoyed watching Mummy exercising or just sleeping through the whole thing!