This workout comprises three ladders - go down and back up the ladder before moving on to the next one. This workout is bodyweight only but you can add weights to up the anti on the leg ladder in particular.
The three ladders are as follows:
1. Cardio ladder:
60 s - squat jack with floor touch
50 s - side to side with floor touch
40 s - high knee pull down to forward kicks
30 s - burpees (any variation)
20 s - mountain climbers
10 s - lateral taps with floor touch
1 min rest before working back up - starting with 10s of lateral taps.
2. Core ladder:
60 s - hands walk out to plank
50 s - plank with alternating toe reach
40 s - deadbug
30 s - russian twist
20 s - crunch with alternating knee lift
10 s - reverse plank hold
1 min rest before working back up - starting with 10s of reverse plank hold
3. Legs ladder:
60 s - clock lunges
50 s - forward to backward lunge
40 s - squat with lateral left lift
30 s - 1.5 squats
20 s - squat to calf raise
10 s - squat jumps
1 min rest before working back up - starting with 10s of squat jumps
Here is a follow along video where you can do the workout with me, sorry for losing my way a little one point but it happens to the best of us!