This workout targets your legs - from a strength and subsequent muscle tone and shape perspective. You need some weights for this but can also be done with bodyweight.
There are 8 exercises in this workout. You complete each one for 30 seconds, with 10 seconds rest between each exercise. There's 4 rounds and 30 seconds rest between rounds. The exercises are:
Reverse lunge with knee lift (right)
Reverse lunge with knee lift (left)
Plie squat with lift to toes
Forward lunge with push back & knee lift (right)
Forward lunge with push back & knee lift (left)
Deep squat and side kick / leg raise (right)
Deep squat and side kick / leg raise (left)
Skaters (with arms)
Here is a follow along video - I demo the first exercise before we start and then subsequent exercises as we work through it. You'll see my balance is dubious at the beginning, but does get better as we go!