For this workout you just need one dumbbell or you could use a kettlebell too. It's not too intense, but a great workout to involve your whole body and get you moving and using all those muscles!
There are 6 exercises in the workout and we do 10 reps of each one (10 or 5 reps per side on relevant exercises):
Deadlift to overhead & reverse lunge (5 each side)
Woodchop to halo (5 each side)
Lateral lunge hold and single arm row (10 each side)
Single arm chest press with opposite single leg bridge (10 each side)
Squat, curl, rotate and press (5 each side)
Alternating curtsy lunge with press out (5 each side)
In the follow along video below I demo each exercise as we go and in total complete 4 rounds. Apologies in advance for any dodgy counting but a couple of reps extra isn't a problem!