This workout focuses on some unilateral (single side) exercises, to help work on any imbalances you may have in your body. It covers both upper and lower body, and your core. You need a bench or chair for this workout and some dumbbells.
The workout uses a tabata approach, 20 seconds work with 10 seconds rest, 8 x per round. There are 6 pairs of exercises, one pair for each round:
1a. Single leg squat to chair (can use a weight too)
1b. Seat tap squat jumps (or calf raise)
2a. Alternating bent over row
2b. Squat thrust with alternating hand release
3a. Running man
3b. Sprinters hop (or knee lift)
4a. Single arm shoulder press
4b. Snatch
5a. Single leg bridge
5b. Climbers
6a. Side step up
6b. Alternating step up (change leg at the top)
Here is a video where you can follow along and do the workout with me:
Thank you Rory! 😍