Here we have a full body workout using weights, your own bodyweight and your heart and lungs!
The workout is a Tabata style workout of 20s work followed by 10s rest. I've got pairs of exercises - so you do each pair of exercises 4 times before moving on to the next pair.
The 5 pairs are:
1a. Deadlift to overhead press
1b. Burpee (your version of!)
2a. Push up
2b. Fast punches
3a. 3-2-1 squat
3b. Squat to squat jump / heel lift
4a. Bent over row
4b. Renegade row
5a. Side plank dips
5b. Mogul jumps
Here is the instruction video - watch this before you start to see how to do each exercise and the variations that are appropriate for you. My arms were so tired after a workout I did the day before I filmed this so my push ups are a bit lack lustre! Sorry!
And here is the follow along video when you can do this live with me!